Defining the Man of God | Youth Ministry

Brody Holloway : Iron on Iron : 1 Timothy 6:11-21 : August 25, 2018
Paul provides Timothy (and us) an extremely helpful comparison of one who is a “man of God” and those who are not. In contrast to the leadership of the Ephesian church, Timothy is described in the fewest of words. To be a man or woman of God—to be called that—is the greatest, yet simplest, description we could ask for and work towards. Timothy is being semantically compared with Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Isaiah, and even King David. This is the greatest honor anyone could have bestowed on them, and most coveted among pastors and elders. The church NEEDS Men of God to lead. People say, “Relax, take it easy” but we cannot relax and take it easy when it comes to preaching the Word.
The “man of God” is defined by:
- What he flees from
- What he follows after
- What he fights for
- What he takes hold of
We are under command from the Lord Jesus. We are not determining the course we take or the doctrine we approve. We are to simply pursue godliness. That is to know and pursue knowledge of God’s plan and purposes for us and to contend for the Gospel. The Man of God, who preaches the Word of God, is guarding something that is eternal in value, and existence. Guard it. Guard the Gospel!
Passages: 1 Timothy 6:2-10; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Timothy 2