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Event Session

May 5,

Before The Throne Of Grace

Be Strong | Rob Conti | Sunday Morning The Levitical priesthood was designed to point to something better.  Christ is superior because His priesthood will never end. There is now …

May 3,

What It Means To Be Priests

Be Strong | Brody Holloway | Saturday Night The Word of God calls us priests.  We’re called to be living sacrifices and to commit everything to Jesus. Too many of …

Apr 28,

Every Man Is A Theologian | Be Strong

Zach Mabry | Be Strong Are you going to be a good theologian or a bad theologian?  Men, we are called to be the ones leading and teaching others. People …

Apr 26,

Family Matters | Be Strong

Timmy Burnette | Be Strong | Breakout Men, your role in life is never separated from your doctrine.  How should the Gospel guide our daily lives as men? Titus 2 …

Apr 21,

Mindful Masculinity | Be Strong

Joseph Tucker | Be Strong | Breakout Mindful masculinity starts with knowing God. Men are meant to lead by example, love sacrificially, protect others, and provide for their loved ones. …

Apr 19,

Jesus As Prophet, Priest, & King | Be Strong

Spencer Davis | Be Strong Men, we’re called to mimic Christ in the roles of prophet, priest, and king.  We’re called to lead in the way of obedience, joy, and …

Apr 14,

The Zeal Of Phineas And The Seduction of Israel | Be Strong

Brody Holloway | Be Strong | Saturday Morning Consequences will come any time we compromise on what Scripture teaches. In Numbers 25, Israel became comfortable and submit to the cultural …

Apr 12,

Biblical Servants, Biblical Men | Be Strong

 Timmy Burnette | Be Strong Men, we are called to be watchful, to stand firm in the faith, and to be strong. Our culture is afraid of true Biblical manhood …

Apr 7,

Satan’s Lies About Sex & Love

Spencer Davis | Pure and Holy 2022 | Sunday Morning The enemy has had years to perfect his algorithm of feeding us lies that align with the desires of the …

Apr 5,

Preparing for Marriage Q&A

Brody Holloway | Pure and Holy | Saturday Night In this session, Brody sits down with two couples and interviews them for the Pure and Holy retreat. He asks everything …

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