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Event Session

Feb 1,

Resolve for Good | College Retreat

College Retreat | Spencer Davis How do we grow in godliness in 2024? Transitional seasons don’t have the power to change you. We need to commit to pursuing the Lord …

Jan 30,

Gospel Driven | College Retreat

College Retreat | Hank Parker Jr. | Breakout The Gospel deeply impacts who we are. It drives our lives, careers, choices in every days aspects. A practical look at how …

Jan 25,

Boldly Living in Christian Humility | College Retreat

College Retreat | Jake Schwarting | Breakout Too often, we as Christians lazily fall into an unbiblical worldview that affects our decision-making, definition of success, and overall approach to life. …

Jan 23,

Justified By Death | College Retreat

College Retreat | Jeremy Wilson | Breakout There are almost as many views about heaven as there are people. Most believe that they will end up in heaven because of …

Jan 18,

Find Your Identity in Christ | College Retreat

College Retreat | Jon Rouleau | Saturday Morning Whatever you give your heart to is what you love.  Our identity should be wrapped up in something bigger than the things …

Jan 16,

God Will Preserve a Remnant | College Retreat

College Retreat | Brody Holloway | Friday Night God will preserve a remnant of his children. We can rest knowing that God will always raise a remnant of believers no …

Nov 16,

Marriage Conference | Building a Marriage That Lasts

Beauty, money, and happiness are all temporary. Don’t build the foundation for your marriage on temporary pleasures. Let’s focus on the permanent. Let’s build our marriages on the hope Jesus …

Nov 14,

Marriage Conference | Christ’s Example of Love

What right do you have to hold your spouse’s sin against them? In marriage, we are to cover one another’s shortcomings with grace. We need to see our spouse through …

Nov 9,

Marriage Conference | Love Finds Its Meaning in Christ

Love finds its meaning in Christ. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 we see Paul describing how love acts. Our culture today is confused by what love is. We know that Jesus …

Nov 7,

Marriage Conference | We are Called to Love

1 Corinthians 13 shows us what it looks like to be faithful to both Jesus and our spouses. As believers, we need to be known by our love for Jesus …

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