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Event Session

Mar 23,

Guarding A Heart That Gives Life

Brody Holloway : Pure and Holy : Proverbs 4:20-27 What does it really mean to guard your heart in relationships? Proverbs 4 reveals this isn’t merely a traditional phrase created by …

Mar 23,

An Open Discussion on Relationships With Kilby Holloway | Pure & Holy

Brody Holloway, Little Holloway, Kilby Holloway : Pure and Holy : Feb. 24, 2018 Kilby Holloway sat down with her parents, Brody and Little, to discuss her experiences navigating the world …

Mar 23,

Pure and Holy: Wisdom Worth Guarding

Brody Holloway : Pure and Holy : Proverbs 4:20-27 : Feb. 23, 2018 Proverbs 4 tells the story of a father’s advice to his son regarding wisdom. This passage provides insight on …

Mar 23,

Relationship Firsts in History

Brody Holloway : Pure and Holy : Genesis 2:15, 1 Corinthians 13:11 : Feb. 23, 2018 Through the relationship between the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, God gave us a …

Mar 23,

Pure and Holy: For God’s Glory and Our Good

Zach Mabry : Pure and Holy : Genesis 2, Ephesians 5 : Feb. 10, 2018 God has elevated marriage in His Word and, if we are staying true to Scripture, we …

Mar 23,

Glorifying God in Our Sexuality

Spencer Davis: Pure and Holy : 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 : Feb. 10, 2018 As believers, we know we are meant to glorify God in our sexuality. In 1 Corinthians 6 we can …

Mar 23,

Don’t Trade Your Inheritance

Rob Conti : Pure and Holy : Genesis 25:21-25 : Feb. 9, 2018 For believers—is there anything in this world that compares to our eternal inheritance in Christ? God promised Abraham …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: Seeing Jesus in the Flood

Spencer Davis : Winter SWO : Genesis 6 : Jan. 13, 2018 We commonly think of Noah’s Ark as a fun children’s story. In reality, this story is terrifying. God’s wrath on sin …

Mar 9,

Seeing Jesus in the Story of Jonah

Spencer Davis : Winter SWO : Jonah : Feb. 13, 2018 The story of Jonah gives us a picture of the Gospel as it reflects Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. In the …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: The Rock was Christ

Rob Conti : Winter SWO : Exodus 17, 1 Cor. 10 : Jan. 14, 2018 Jesus is the rock, and He alone is the source of life that can quench our …

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