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Study Guide

Dec 18,

Advent 18: The Righteous Branch

Reflection So we’ve settled it. The only righteous one this could be talking about is Jesus. But is that it? Do we look back to Jesus in the manger and …

Dec 17,

Advent 17: O Little Town of Bethlehem

The Messiah to the Gentiles Too But this isn’t the only place in the New Testament where this comes up. We also see it as part of the Christmas story. …

Dec 16,

Advent 16: Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth, The Heart of the King First, let’s pay attention to how God is narrowing the path to the Messiah. Twice in this passage, Isaiah tells us that …

Dec 15,

Advent 15: The Child Born to Be the King

No Mere Human Would Do When we look at this passage, there is so much going on. First, the focus is on a child. Isn’t that interesting? This should let …

Dec 14,

Advent 14: Maher-shalal-hash-baz

So Is This About Jesus or Not? Yes. This is about Jesus, but first, it’s about Maher-shalal-hash-baz. The whole point of this sign is that it provides something tangible for …

Dec 13,

Advent 13: Grace from Disgrace – The Wife of Uriah

A Man of Honor The rest of the story is even worse. David sees a beautiful woman and asks about her. Even though he knows she is married to one …

Dec 12,

Advent 12: David’s Moabite Grandma

Reflection This is a really cool story, but where does it fit into Christmas? First off, see even more of how God had always been working toward fulfilling the promise …

Dec 11,

Advent 11: The Savior of the World (and Rahab)

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down You are probably familiar with the rest of this story. God gives them an unprecedented, miraculous victory where he displays his power. The children …

Dec 10,

Advent 10: A Prophet Like Moses

But Wait, There’s More The most interesting aspect about all of this is that the people of Israel were still looking for a prophet to come. Somehow, they realized Joshua …

Dec 9,

Advent 9: By Any Means Necessary

We Shouldn’t Be Surprised Isn’t it just like God to accomplish his plans in a way that we would never have guessed? As God makes it clear in Isaiah 55, …

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