Study Guide
Advent 8: Three Strikes And You’re In
Reflection What do we need to learn from this in our preparation to celebrate Christ’s birth? We need to realize we cannot put God in a box. God does not …
Advent 7: Two Accidental Blessings
You Can’t Trick God Does this throw God off? No way, not even for a second. God is constantly working out his plan, and we cannot mess it up. Believe …
Advent 6: The Lord Will Provide
More Signs We don’t have to look to Hebrews to see signs of Abraham’s faith. There are several signs in Genesis 22 where we can see his confidence in God. …
Advent 5: Who’s Laughing Now?
Joy to the World Now that we are caught up, let’s look at chapter twenty-one. Sarah indeed becomes pregnant, and when Abraham is one hundred years old, they have a …
Advent 4: New Names And A New Son
Reflection How does this affect the way we look forward to the birth of Jesus? We need to pause and reflect on the fact that God is good and can …
Advent 3: Freedom Through Slavery
The Curveball Now we get to the hardest part of the covenant to understand. Let’s look a little closer at the words God says to Abraham when he makes this …
Advent 2: Blessing To The Whole World
Covenants, Testaments, and Promises When we say God is establishing a covenant relationship with Abraham (he’s actually still called Abram at this point, but you know who we’re talking about), …
Advent 1: The Curse And The Promise
The Finer Points “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” …
How To Pray For Muslims During Ramadan 2024
March 10 – April 9, 2024 March 10 marks the annual 30 days of fasting by Muslims around the world. During Ramadan 2024, over 1.8 billion men, women, and children …
Advent Intro | The Things Concerning Himself
Here we are again. It’s wintertime and the Christmas season is upon us. For Christians, this is one of the 2 most important seasons of the year, shared only with …