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Jon Rouleau

Jan 18,

Find Your Identity in Christ | College Retreat

College Retreat | Jon Rouleau | Saturday Morning Whatever you give your heart to is what you love.  Our identity should be wrapped up in something bigger than the things …

Nov 16,

Marriage Conference | Building a Marriage That Lasts

Beauty, money, and happiness are all temporary. Don’t build the foundation for your marriage on temporary pleasures. Let’s focus on the permanent. Let’s build our marriages on the hope Jesus …

Oct 31,

The Message of First Importance | Fall Retreat

Fall Retreat | Jon Rouleau | Saturday Night Believers, there are three enemies we need to be fighting: the world, the flesh, and the devil. The world is full of …

Sep 28,

Gender and the Scriptures | Be Strong

Men’s Conference | Jon Rouleau | Breakout What does Scripture actually say about gender? The god of our society is our feelings, and thus anything that goes against your feelings …

Aug 31,

Discipline: A Calling For Every Christian Man | SWO23

Jon Rouleau | SWO23 Wednesday Guys Night In today’s society, non-christian voices are dominating the conversation when it comes to discipline. God speaks about spiritual discipline all throughout Scripture. How …

Aug 22,

Gender & The Bible | SWO23

Jon Rouleau | SWO23 Breakout In the culture we live in today, there is a constant buzz of conversation about gender and sexuality. As Christians, we are fighting everyday to …

May 11,

Discipline and Freedom | Be Strong

Young men are looking for discipline and structure right now. Scripture calls us as men to live disciplined lives, free from sin. Jesus gives us freedom from our past. He …

Apr 13,

Preaching The Gospel In A Postmodern World | Iron on Iron

Iron on Iron | Jon Rouleau | Breakout Students need leaders that show them how to live obediently and point them to the Lord. How can we encourage our students …

Mar 23,

Josiah’s Resolve | Winter SWO Session

Josiah became King when he was only eight years old. The kingdom he inherited was sinful and slipping into pagan idolatry and practice. Today, we live in an idolatrous and …

Feb 28,

Resist Temptation by Standing Firm in Christ | Pure & Holy

Jon Rouleau | Guys Breakout | Pure & Holy Men, we are designed to lead in the church and our homes. How do we say no to the easily accessible …

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