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Rob Conti

Rob Conti, program director, came to Snowbird in 2001 to serve on Summer Staff. He served several summers while finishing his undergraduate degree at Liberty University. After graduating in 2003, he served as a youth pastor for three years in Forest, Virginia. Rob returned to Snowbird in 2006 and met his wife, Sarah, who had been serving at Snowbird since 2004. They married in 2007. In addition to Rob’s responsibilities as the program director, he is one of the main session speakers for year-round camps and retreats. Throughout the year, he travels to speak at churches and youth events. He completed his Master of Arts in Religion in 2009. Rob and Sarah have four children: Molly, Marissa, Walker, and Wesley.

Jun 9,

6 Doctrines Worth Dying For

What is Doctrine? Doctrine is comprised of teachings from the Bible. Major doctrines are the core, essential teachings of Christianity. To reject any major doctrine is unChristian. Scripture itself emphasizes the …

Sep 19,

Teaching The Bible to Students

Rob Conti | Iron on Iron 2015 | Breakout Rob Conti teaches on how the man of God should seek to convey the Word of God during the 2015 Iron …

Sep 18,

SWO15: Life After Death

Rob Conti | Revelation 20 & 21 | SWO15 Rob Conti preaches from the book of Revelation during SWO15.  Our hope in life after death is rooted in the reality …

Sep 2,

Dealing With Abuse

Rob Conti | SWO15 | Breakout Rob Conti teaches on the power of God’s grace in working through abuse in this SWO15 breakout session.  Whether you or someone you know …

Sep 2,

Sharing the Gospel Today

Rob Conti | SWO15 | Breakout Rob Conti teaches how to share the Gospel during this SWO15 breakout session.  Rob looks at how to be prepared to share the Gospel confidently …

Sep 2,

Providing Students With A Lasting Foundation

Rob Conti | SWO15 | Leader Breakout Rob Conti teaches on Christ as the Cornerstone of our ministry during this youth pastor session of SWO15. Rob encourages student pastors and …

Jul 1,

From The Burning Bush To Mount Sinai

Rob Conti | Be Strong 2015 Men’s Conference Rob Conti looks at the life of Moses during the 2015 Be Strong Men’s Conference.  God takes joy in taking what is …

Sep 3,

Focusing on Obedience without Endorsing Legalism

Rob Conti | Iron on Iron 2014 | Breakout Rob Conti walks through how to navigate teaching while navigating through legalism and license.  As God had given the Ten Commandments after he …

Sep 2,

SWO14: Jesus Heals Our Ultimate Disease

Rob Conti | Mark 5 | SWO14 Rob Conti looks at two stories of healing in Mark 5.  Jesus has ultimate authority over death, and we read stories of Jesus …

Aug 30,

Teaching Bible Doctrine

Rob Conti | SWO14 | Leader Breakout Rob Conti addresses the responsibility of teaching the Bible to students, along with practical advice on how to approach it.  Rob looks to …

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