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Rob Conti

Rob Conti, program director, came to Snowbird in 2001 to serve on Summer Staff. He served several summers while finishing his undergraduate degree at Liberty University. After graduating in 2003, he served as a youth pastor for three years in Forest, Virginia. Rob returned to Snowbird in 2006 and met his wife, Sarah, who had been serving at Snowbird since 2004. They married in 2007. In addition to Rob’s responsibilities as the program director, he is one of the main session speakers for year-round camps and retreats. Throughout the year, he travels to speak at churches and youth events. He completed his Master of Arts in Religion in 2009. Rob and Sarah have four children: Molly, Marissa, Walker, and Wesley.

May 31,

Do Not Suppress the Truth

Rob Conti teaches from Romans 1 to a group of Snowbird students. God’s truth has been made clear to us!

Jan 26,

Identity in Christ

Rob Conti preaches from Galatians 2:20. The believer’s identity is in Christ alone — no longer in our sin, and not in our works.

Dec 3,

Breakout: How to Share the Gospel

Rob Conti | SWO12 Summer Camp Breakout Rob Conti shares how we can share the Gospel confidently, with boldness and grace. View the Teaching Slides

Nov 27,

Breakout: Love Wins

Rob Conti | Breakout | 2012 Rob Conti summarizes and critiques Rob Bell’s book, “Love Wins.”

Nov 27,

Christ Is Preeminent Over Your Salvation (Colossians 2)

Rob Conti | Colossians 2:13-15 | SWO12 Rob Conti preaches the gospel from Colossians 2:13-15. God’s holiness, justice, and grace are extended to us in the cross of Christ.

Nov 27,

The Gospel According to Romans 1, 2, and 3

Rob Conti | Romans 1-3 Rob Conti preaches through the Gospel from the first few chapters of Romans during a fall retreat at Snowbird.

Nov 24,

Breakout: Doctrine Worth Dying For – Scripture

Rob Conti | Breakout | SWO12 Rob Conti highlights the Doctrine of the Word of God. The Bible is entirely inerrant, infallible, and is the very truth of God.

Aug 24,

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Rob Conti | Youth Pastor Session Rob Conti taught this breakout session to student pastors in 2011, challenging them to preach the Word of God accurately and with Gospel-driven passion. …

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