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Zach Mabry

Oct 2,

Theology of Work | Be Strong

  Zach Mabry | Be Strong Men’s Conference Session A Biblical Theology of Work: Zach’s Teaching Notes A correct theology of work comes directly from Scripture. Let’s dig in and …

Aug 21,

SWO19 Workshop: Corporate Worship

Zach Mabry : Workshop : Summer 2019 Worship is more than just singing but it often involves singing. This workshop was taught for those who are interested in learning more …

Aug 18,

Conversation With Seniors And Graduates (SWO19)

Zach Mabry : Summer 2019 : Friday AM Zach walked through Ephesians 4:11-16 and made a specific application to the period of life where each student must take ownership of …

Aug 16,

SWO19 Youth Pastor Breakout: Preparing Your Students for Cultural Engagement

Summer 2019 We have to train our students to be uniquely Christian in the culture that we are living in today. This means that we have to think about what …

Aug 16,

SWO19 Breakout: The Case for the Resurrection

Summer 2019  The truthfulness of the Gospel hinges on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The apostle Paul made it crystal clear in 1 Corinthians 15 that if …

May 14,

The Virtue of Running Toward Danger

Kendrick Castillo and Riley Howard made headlines last week because of their bravery in the face of evil. They sacrificed their lives for the lives of others and our nation …

Apr 17,

Rethinking Game of Thrones

How are Christians supposed to think about Game of Thrones? Should we watch it? Should we avoid it? These are great questions that Christians have been asking for years. But, …

Apr 17,

How to Proclaim the Gospel in Your Marriage

Zach Mabry : Ephesians 5 : Marriage Conference : April 14, 2019 Since the beginning of time, marriage has been under attack because it is the quickest way to pervert …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: Kingdom and Country

Zach Mabry : 1 Peter 2 : Be Strong Where is our identity found? Are we primarily American or primarily Christian? Where are we putting our faith and hope? When …

Jan 30,

College Retreat: Entering into Enemy-Controlled Territory

Zach Mabry : College Retreat : January 2019 Don’t be tempted to excel in the academic world to the extent that you are willing to compromise the Truth. You may …

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