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Sep 6,

Sharing The Gospel With Confidence

Rob Conti  | Summer Camp Breakout Jesus told us to go tell everyone about the good news—the good news that they can have eternal life, be forgiven of sin, and …

Aug 16,

Jesus Was With David, Jesus Is With You

SWO22 | Brody Holloway  | Friday Night  Brody walks through 2 Samuel 7 and discusses 4 things we can learn through David’s life. God is not confined to a special …

Aug 14,

The Path To The Throne

SWO22 | Rob Conti | Friday Morning In 1 Samuel 24, we see more of David’s path to the throne.  David had a chance to kill Saul. But instead, he …

Aug 11,

Pursuing Joy In Christ

Rob Conti | SWO22 Summer Camp How do we fight for joy? The reality of people experiencing depression right now is only rising. We will all experience seasons of sorrow. …

Jul 18,

A Warning Against Drifting

Why do people who once faithfully served the Lord, turn away from Jesus? In John 3, we learn that it’s an issue of the heart. People love the darkness because …

Jun 6,

The Rise Of Saul

We can not hang our hope on earthly movements and figureheads.  Believers, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and labor for what won’t perish. In 1 Samuel 12, …

May 16,

From Deconstruction To Restoration

Don’t be afraid of doubt. Doubt is evidence of faith in the heart of a Christian, but there is a way to return from deconstruction to restoration with Christ. Brody …

May 5,

Before The Throne Of Grace

Be Strong | Rob Conti | Sunday Morning The Levitical priesthood was designed to point to something better.  Christ is superior because His priesthood will never end. There is now …

Apr 19,

Jesus As Prophet, Priest, And King | Be Strong

Spencer Davis | Be Strong Men’s Conference Men, we’re called to mimic Christ in the roles of prophet, priest, and king.  We’re called to lead in the way of obedience, …

Mar 31,

Zacchaeus: Repentance, Salvation, and Sanctification

Brody Holloway | Pure and Holy 2022 | Saturday Morning  Zacchaeus’s life was changed by salvation.  He wasn’t perfect after he started following Jesus, but he never went back to …

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