Biblical Studies
Purity Retreat: The Will Of God
Brody Holloway | Purity Retreat | 2013 Brody Holloway exposits 1 Thessalonians 4, showing us from God’s word that sex is God’s creation, that it is sacred in the confines …
Identity in Christ
Rob Conti preaches from Galatians 2:20. The believer’s identity is in Christ alone — no longer in our sin, and not in our works.
Act Like Men, Be Strong
Brody Holloway | 1 Corinthians 16 | Be Strong Act like men. The Bible gives us clear and direct commands to act like a man, but what does that mean …
SWO12: The Good Shepherd
Brody Holloway | John 10 | SWO12 Brody Holloway shows how Christ presents himself as the Good Shepherd and us His sheep. A true sheep will know the voice of …
God is Jealous for His Name
Brody Holloway | Exodus 32 Brody Holloway speaks from Exodus 32 about idols in our lives. The people of Israel began to worship the gifts God gave them rather than …
Coming on God’s Terms
Brody Holloway | Exodus 3 Brody Holloway speaks on Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3. Sinful man cannot approach a holy God apart from the righteousness of Christ. …
The Aroma of Christ
Brody Holloway | John 12 Brody Holloway speaks of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus. Mary poured out her greatest possession in complete devotion and worship of Christ. We must value …
Taking The Gospel To The Ends Of The Earth (Colossians 1)
Brody Holloway | Colossians 1:24-29 | SWO12 Brody Holloway preaches on the call to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth from Colossians 1:24-29.
Christ Is Preeminent Over Your Salvation (Colossians 2)
Rob Conti | Colossians 2:13-15 | SWO12 Rob Conti preaches the gospel from Colossians 2:13-15. God’s holiness, justice, and grace are extended to us in the cross of Christ.
Christ’s Authority, Colossians 1
Brody Holloway | Colossians 1:15-20 | SWO12 Brody Holloway preaches on our response to Christ’s authority from Col. 1:15-20. The supremacy and preeminence of Christ over all gives us assurance …