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Sep 16,

Attacking Deconstruction

Iron on Iron | Breakout | Zach Mabry We live in a society that is increasingly hostile to Christianity and increasingly celebratory of those who experience a “spiritual deconstruction” and …

Sep 16,

There are Wolves Among the Sheep

Iron on Iron | Session 3 | Spencer Davis Jude warns us of false teachers, wolves, that will come into the Church and attempt to deceive and draw away disciples. …

Aug 15,

God’s Sovereignty in the Midst of Suffering

Brody Holloway | Genesis 50 | SWO20 Monday Night If we truly live a life submitted to Jesus, people around us won’t understand why we make the decisions that we …

Aug 15,

Hypocrisy & Consistency: Sincere Love that Reflects Jesus

Brody Holloway | Romans 12 | SWO20 Friday Night God’s Word calls us to a steady, consistent life of following Jesus. Christians, we must love people with a real, genuine, …

Aug 15,

Prepare Your Students for Difficult Questions

Zach Mabry | Leader Breakout | SWO20 Friday Morning If we believe the Bible then we must believe all of the Bible. We do not have the option of dismissing …

Aug 15,


Spencer Davis | Breakout | SWO20 Tuesday Morning Idolatry is a serious problem in the Scripture… but is it a serious problem in our culture today? This workshop looks at …

Jul 27,

Jacob: Comfort, Selfishness, & Failed Leadership

[buzzsprout episode=’4685018′ player=’true’] As crazy as your family reunions are, your family isn’t quite as crazy as Jacob and his kids. His selfish deceitfulness not only impacted his family right …

Jun 29,

Ruth: Jesus & His Crazy Grandmas

[buzzsprout episode=’4149647′ player=’true’] We serve a God that is greater than the worse of human tragedies, and He has a purpose for our redemption. Throughout the time of the Judges, …

Jun 22,

Tamar: Jesus & His Crazy Grandmas

[buzzsprout episode=’4132064′ player=’true’] There is no family more interesting that Jesus’ family. Rahab, Tamar, Ruth, and everyone in-between exemplifies the craziness of sin that Jesus was born into. And yet, …

May 12,

5 Books That Engage Culture With a Gospel Lens

Our passion and mission is to equip the Church to impact the world with the message of the Gospel. In order to do that, we’ve got to understand and interact …

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