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A Conversation About Women In Ministry

Today, Brody sits down with Brooke Lovingood, a former Snowbird staff member who now works in the youth ministry at FBC of Watkinsville. 

Brody and Brooke discussed what the Bible says about the roles of women in ministry. God has laid out certain roles for a man and a woman, and these roles that are equal but different. 

Christianity is the most dignifying religion when it comes to women. The world tells us that a woman’s role is contrary to what Scripture says, but Jesus gives women a platform to minister and to serve within His design. 

Let’s strive to be counter-cultural to the world and align our minds with the Bible. 

Listen to Brooke’s session from Respond 2022 – Growing in the Knowledge of God’s Word

  • Genesis 1:26-31
  • Genesis 2:15
  • Ephesians 5:25
Respond1920X1080 Projector web 1 women in ministry

Respond Women’s Conference

April 2025

, June 27, 2022

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