Be Strong: The Kings Failed, the King Fulfilled
Be Strong | Brody Holloway | Saturday Night
There is a progression of moving away from God’s instruction during the period of the kings. Brody walks through Deuteronomy 17 in this Be Strong session to examine how their leadership principles should have followed the Word of God. This was the goal, but each generation moved further away from the Lord. No man could provide for the nation of Israel the way that only God could. God never intended that the kings would be the ultimate or final authority for the people in Israel.
God raised up prophets and priests to uphold the covenant Word of God and go before Him on behalf of the people. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit and spoke with an authority that didn’t come from themselves. These positions of office always pointed to the hope that was to come in Christ the perfect King, the final Prophet, and High Priest. There has always been a tension between the kings, prophets, and priests but it is now synchronized because of Christ. He will do what all the men before us failed to do. He is our final mediator, seated on the throne. Look to Him for hope.
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