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Summer Camp

Dec 13,

Relating as Brothers and Sisters

Zach Mabry | Breakout | SWO12 Zach Mabry explains how Christians should interact with each other within the body of Christ.  

Dec 13,

Coming on God’s Terms

Brody Holloway | Exodus 3 Brody Holloway speaks on Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3. Sinful man cannot approach a holy God apart from the righteousness of Christ. …

Dec 12,

History of Biblical Worship

Zach Mabry | Breakout Zach Mabry presents a breakout detailing the history of biblical worship, and shares how we are directed to offer praise to the Lord today.

Dec 11,

SWO12 Missions Breakout

Bobby Lane | Summer Camp | Missions Breakout Bobby Lane explains the Bible’s call for believers to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Dec 7,

Leader Breakout: Leading Well

Brody Holloway | Leader Breakout Brody Holloway teaches this session to youth pastors and adults about leading this generation to relentlessly follow Christ as his disciples.

Dec 3,

Submission and Feminism: What’s My Role?

Brittany Ragon teaches this breakout on what Biblical submission looks like in a marriage relationship, and shares how feminism intercedes as culture’s perversion of God’s design of marriage that we …

Dec 3,

Breakout: How to Share the Gospel

Rob Conti | SWO12 Summer Camp Breakout Rob Conti shares how we can share the Gospel confidently, with boldness and grace. View the Teaching Slides

Nov 27,

Breakout: Love Wins

Rob Conti | Breakout | 2012 Rob Conti summarizes and critiques Rob Bell’s book, “Love Wins.”

Nov 27,

Taking The Gospel To The Ends Of The Earth (Colossians 1)

  Brody Holloway | Colossians 1:24-29 | SWO12 Brody Holloway preaches on the call to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth from Colossians 1:24-29.

Nov 27,

Christ Is Preeminent Over Your Salvation (Colossians 2)

Rob Conti | Colossians 2:13-15 | SWO12 Rob Conti preaches the gospel from Colossians 2:13-15. God’s holiness, justice, and grace are extended to us in the cross of Christ.

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