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Event Session

Sep 22,

Never Stop Proclaiming Christ To Your Students

  Brody Holloway | Colossians 1:28-2:8 | Iron on Iron Youth Ministry Session The student pastor is called to be a disciple-maker. Discipleship isn’t just teaching students Bible stories; students …

Sep 22,

Put on the New Self, Kill Sin

  The mortification of sin is crucial to our personal discipleship, our walk with the Lord, and those around us. Sin doesn’t just affect the sinner; it affects everything. If …

Sep 22,

Anchor Disciple-Making In The Gospel (For Student Pastors)

  Brody Holloway | Matthew 28:16-20 | 2016 Friday PM Now is the time for pastors and ministry leaders to stand on the Word of God and teach with Christ-given …

Sep 20,

SWO16 Breakout: I Have Jesus, Why Do I Need the Church?

Spencer Davis | SWO16 | Summer Camp The body of Christ is a gift from the Lord and is vital for our sanctification, growth and intentional ministry to nonbelievers. Some …

Sep 19,

Your Call To Evangelism (Student Session)

Rob Conti | SWO16 Friday AM If we are followers of Christ, if His name is branded on our hearts, then we should rightly handle the weight of the command …

Sep 19,

The Flaw Of Self-Imposed Identity

Spencer Davis | SWO16 Thursday AM We live in a world where preferences, feelings, and emotions determine identity. When that stereotype or self-imposed identity crumbles, we are left asking “who …

Sep 19,

Be Imitators of Christ (SWO16)

Brody Holloway | Ephesians 5:1-21 | SWO16 Wednesday AM As believers, we should be seeking to imitate the Lord in both what He loves and hates. This should play into …

Sep 19,

SWO16 Session: Identity through Christ Alone

Brody Holloway | Mark 8:22-26 | SWO16 Monday PM Salvation cannot be earned. It is not inherited from our parents or grandparents, but comes from God alone through Christ. When we …

Sep 19,

SWO16 Leader Breakout: Teaching the Bible to Students

SWO 16 We often find ourselves desiring for God to “speak” to us, while we have forgotten that we actually have God’s self-revelation in written form — in our own …

Sep 19,

The Redemptive Rescue of Rahab

Little Holloway | Girl’s Night | SWO16 Wednesday PM As the generation of women of the postmodern era, how do we fight temptation and societal pressures to conform, when the …

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