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Brody Holloway

Apr 3,

David and His Mighty Men (Men’s Session)

Brody Holloway | Be Strong | 2 Samuel 23:8-19 | March 16, 2018 Brody kicked off the spring Be Strong men’s conference by teaching on 2 Samuel 23:8-19 and David’s Mighty Men. …

Mar 23,

Guarding A Heart That Gives Life

Brody Holloway : Pure and Holy : Proverbs 4:20-27 What does it really mean to guard your heart in relationships? Proverbs 4 reveals this isn’t merely a traditional phrase created by …

Mar 23,

An Open Discussion on Relationships With Kilby Holloway | Pure & Holy

Brody Holloway, Little Holloway, Kilby Holloway : Pure and Holy : Feb. 24, 2018 Kilby Holloway sat down with her parents, Brody and Little, to discuss her experiences navigating the world …

Mar 23,

Pure and Holy: Wisdom Worth Guarding

Brody Holloway : Pure and Holy : Proverbs 4:20-27 : Feb. 23, 2018 Proverbs 4 tells the story of a father’s advice to his son regarding wisdom. This passage provides insight on …

Mar 23,

Relationship Firsts in History

Brody Holloway : Pure and Holy : Genesis 2:15, 1 Corinthians 13:11 : Feb. 23, 2018 Through the relationship between the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, God gave us a …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: Jesus, Our Great High Priest

Brody Holloway : Hebrews 4:14 – Hebrews 5:10 : Winter SWO 2017 : 2/19/18 Our sins separate us from a holy, righteous, God that is set apart from sin. We could …

Mar 9,

Jesus The Final Prophet

Brody Holloway : 1 Kings 17, Hebrews 1 : Winter SWO 2017 Jesus in the Old Testament! Jesus is the final prophet. Christ Himself came down to earth to commune with …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: Jesus, King of Kings

Brody Holloway : Isaiah 6, 2 Chronicles 26 : Winter SWO 2017 : 2/19/18 Even the greatest kings of Israel had shortcomings because they were born in the line of Adam. …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: The Serpent Crusher

Brody Holloway : Winter SWO : Genesis 3, Romans 5 : Feb 16, 2018 The Gospel promise first comes in Genesis 3. Mankind was given a promise that defines the course of …

Feb 2,


“Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my Gospel and the proclamation about Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept silent for long …

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