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Rob Conti

Rob Conti, program director, came to Snowbird in 2001 to serve on Summer Staff. He served several summers while finishing his undergraduate degree at Liberty University. After graduating in 2003, he served as a youth pastor for three years in Forest, Virginia. Rob returned to Snowbird in 2006 and met his wife, Sarah, who had been serving at Snowbird since 2004. They married in 2007. In addition to Rob’s responsibilities as the program director, he is one of the main session speakers for year-round camps and retreats. Throughout the year, he travels to speak at churches and youth events. He completed his Master of Arts in Religion in 2009. Rob and Sarah have four children: Molly, Marissa, Walker, and Wesley.

Oct 4,

The Gospel in Every Sermon

Youth Ministry Conference | Rob Conti | Breakout As ministers of the Gospel, we aim to teach Truth and sound doctrine.  From every text in Scripture, there is a road …

Sep 6,

Sharing The Gospel With Confidence

Rob Conti  | Summer Camp Breakout Jesus told us to go tell everyone about the good news—the good news that they can have eternal life, be forgiven of sin, and …

Aug 23,

A Battle Worth Fighting

SWO 22 | Rob Conti  | Wednesday Night Guy’s Session  2 Samuel 11  Deuteronomy 17:14-20 Romans 8:1  Psalm 51 

Aug 14,

The Path To The Throne

SWO22 | Rob Conti | Friday Morning In 1 Samuel 24, we see more of David’s path to the throne.  David had a chance to kill Saul. But instead, he …

Aug 11,

Pursuing Joy In Christ

Rob Conti | SWO22 Summer Camp How do we fight for joy? The reality of people experiencing depression right now is only rising. We will all experience seasons of sorrow. …

May 19,

Ambassadors For Christ

Rob Conti  | DNOW Sunday Morning Contending for the faith means constantly being on guard.  This looks like reminding ourselves of the Gospel, daily filling our minds with the truths …

May 5,

Before The Throne Of Grace

Be Strong | Rob Conti | Sunday Morning The Levitical priesthood was designed to point to something better.  Christ is superior because His priesthood will never end. There is now …

Mar 15,

Glorify God Through Your Sufferings

Rob Conti  | Winter SWO 22 | Session Five The One who has saved and rescued us is the only One who has the power to keep us. God has …

Mar 10,

The Living and Abiding Word of God

Rob Conti | Winter SWO 22 | Session Three  The Word of God is central to our salvation and sanctification.  As believers, we need to examine what we are filling …

Feb 15,

Guarding Against a Heart of Unbelief

Rob Conti | College Retreat 2022 | Saturday Morning

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