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Rob Conti

Rob Conti, program director, came to Snowbird in 2001 to serve on Summer Staff. He served several summers while finishing his undergraduate degree at Liberty University. After graduating in 2003, he served as a youth pastor for three years in Forest, Virginia. Rob returned to Snowbird in 2006 and met his wife, Sarah, who had been serving at Snowbird since 2004. They married in 2007. In addition to Rob’s responsibilities as the program director, he is one of the main session speakers for year-round camps and retreats. Throughout the year, he travels to speak at churches and youth events. He completed his Master of Arts in Religion in 2009. Rob and Sarah have four children: Molly, Marissa, Walker, and Wesley.

Oct 2,

Be Strong: Fighting Depression

Rob Conti : Be Strong : September 28, 2019

Oct 1,

Be Strong: Jesus the Greater Deliverer

Rob Conti : Be Strong : September 29, 2019

Sep 10,

Youth Ministry Panel Discussion: Iron on Iron 2019

Panel Members: Joseph Tucker, Steve Brooks, Ricky Smith, Jason Salyer, and Rob Conti Moderator: Spencer Davis How do you approach discipling students outside of teaching and programming? Joseph Tucker: Well, …

Aug 22,

The Unlimited and Ultimate Sovereignty of Jesus

Rob Conti : Summer 2019 : Thursday PM Just as Jesus ascended into heaven, He will one day return. This hope should shape the way we live our lives until …

Aug 21,

God’s Will For Your Life (Guys Session)

Rob Conti : Summer 2019 : Guy Session : Wednesday PM God’s holy calling on young men is to live in such a way that pleases their Heavenly Father. In …

Aug 20,

Resolving Conflict Biblically: How Does It Work?

Rob Conti : Workshop : Summer 2019 We live in a world full of broken relationships. From divorce to abandonment to fighting with our best friends, we have grown accustomed …

Aug 17,

SWO19 Youth Pastor Breakout: Preparing to Teach the Bible

Summer 2019  It is imperative that we both faithfully interpret the Word of God and effectively communicate it to our audience. In this youth leader breakout, we look at principles …

Aug 17,

Dealing With Depression | SWO19 Breakout

Depression is a widespread affliction, but does the Bible actually talk about it? Yes, the Bible addresses both depression and anxiety and points us to the hope and peace we …

Aug 12,

Spiritual Disciplines In A Social Media Age

In a day and age when so many things are competing for our time and devotion, it is more important than ever to take seriously the Bible’s command to train …

Apr 3,

Raised to Walk in Christ

Rob Conti | Romans 6 The world says that it’s impossible that Jesus rose from the dead. The Bible says that it was impossible that death could hold Jesus. Romans …

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