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Spencer Davis

Sep 2,

Social Media Breakout | SWO22

SWO22 | Spencer Davis  | Tuesday Breakout What lessons can we learn as a society from being connected via social media for over 20 years? What lessons can you learn …

Aug 18,

A Man After God’s Own Heart | SWO22

SWO22 | Spencer Davis  | Wednesday Guy’s Breakout

Aug 12,

David On The Run | SWO22

SWO22 Summer | Spencer Davis | Thursday Morning In 1 Samuel 18, the Lord has left Saul and David is on the run from him. Saul had grown jealous of …

May 12,

Knowing How To Spot Wolves In The Church

Spencer Davis | Be Strong | Saturday Morning There are wolves in our churches and we need to be able to recognize them.  Wolves take the beautiful doctrine of God’s …

Apr 19,

Jesus As Prophet, Priest, & King | Be Strong

Spencer Davis | Be Strong Men, we’re called to mimic Christ in the roles of prophet, priest, and king.  We’re called to lead in the way of obedience, joy, and …

Apr 7,

Satan’s Lies About Sex & Love

Spencer Davis | Pure and Holy 2022 | Sunday Morning The enemy has had years to perfect his algorithm of feeding us lies that align with the desires of the …

Mar 22,

Prepare Your Mind For Action

Spencer Davis  | Winter SWO22  | Session 6 Christians, we need to prepare our minds for action. Our old self would give in to any desire it wanted to—not caring about …

Dec 9,

There Is No Halfway Obedience

Fall Retreats 2021 True worship comes from the heart. In Daniel 3, King Nebuchadnezzar doesn’t care about the conditions of people’s hearts. He just wanted to be worshipped. But Shadrach, …

Nov 11,

Reflecting God’s Love For Your Spouse

Spencer Davis | Marriage Conference 2021 Very few people love others well.  In this world, we don’t love the way that we should. We tend to be selfish and always …

Oct 12,

Make Every Effort

Spencer Davis | Be Strong | Friday Night How do we finish well? How do we fight the good fight and finish the race?  To kick off Be Strong, Spencer …

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