Spencer Davis
How to Fight for Your Marriage
Spencer Davis | Sunday Morning Satan hates marriage. If we think that he is inactive, then he has the upper hand. He seeks to destroy our marriages and will use …
Interview with Philip and Tawnyia Smith
Spencer Davis | Saturday Morning This morning Spencer Davis sits down with Philip and Tawnyia Smith to hear their stories of how the Lord saved each of them and eventually …
The Lord is Patient with Us
Spencer Davis | Saturday Morning Jesus is coming back. The prophets said He would and Jesus Himself spoke of His own return. When Scripture says something is going to happen …
The Story of Jonathan, Son of Saul | Godly Manhood
Men’s Conference | Spencer Davis | Friday Night What can we learn from the life of Jonathan? In this session, Spencer walks through the life of Jonathan and shows how …
Questions with Mark Coppenger | Iron on Iron
SWO22 | Mark Coppenger | Saturday Breakout Mark Coppenger has served as a pastor, professor, short-term missionary, family man and many other things in his 74 years of life.
Benefits And Dangers of Social Media For Christians
Spencer Davis | Student Breakout What lessons can we learn as a society from being connected via social media for over 20 years? What lessons can you learn personally from …
David On The Run | SWO22
SWO22 Summer | Spencer Davis | Thursday Morning In 1 Samuel 18, the Lord has left Saul and David is on the run from him. Saul had grown jealous of …
Knowing How To Spot Wolves In The Church
Spencer Davis | Be Strong | Saturday Morning There are wolves in our churches and we need to be able to recognize them. Wolves take the beautiful doctrine of God’s …
Jesus As Prophet, Priest, And King | Be Strong
Spencer Davis | Be Strong Men’s Conference Men, we’re called to mimic Christ in the roles of prophet, priest, and king. We’re called to lead in the way of obedience, …