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Aug 16,

SWO19 Youth Pastor Breakout: Preparing Your Students for Cultural Engagement

Summer 2019 We have to train our students to be uniquely Christian in the culture that we are living in today. This means that we have to think about what …

Aug 15,

Starting Well, Running Well, and Finishing Well

Brody Holloway : Summer 2019 : Thursday AM During this session, Brody spoke to high school freshmen to prepare and encourage them as they embark on this new journey of …

Jun 1,

Ramadan: Friendship, Language Learning, and the Gospel in North Africa

By Greg Helms My last day in this sandy, sub-Saharan, African city had arrived bringing a month-short visit with long-admired missionary friends to a close. My flight out was the …

May 30,

Ramadan Stories: Hospitality in the Middle East, Africa, and Tennessee

Jim and Sarah are friends of Snowbird in Tennessee. They love Jesus, raise their kids in the truth of the Gospel, serve their church, love their neighbors, and actively engage …

May 29,

Ramadan Stories: Hospitality, Faith, and False Gods in Saudi Arabia

By Isaac Thomas* The night before Ramadan started, I went out to dinner with a few local men to grab burgers, fries, and some surprisingly good banana pudding. They were …

May 24,

Ramadan: The Power of Stories

Stories are an integral part of how our culture and worldview are shaped. Since most Muslims are born out of eastern cultures, the meaning of stories for individuals and families …

May 22,

Muslims & Intentional Hospitality

What’s the big deal? “It is easy to love those who are most like us, but it is distinctly Christian to love those who are least like us.” Micah Fries …

May 21,

Engage Muslims Through Daily Habits & Conversations

What do my daily habits have to do with sharing the Gospel? Whether you realize it or not, each of us lives each day by certain routines. These routines are …

May 20,

Did Jesus Really Claim to be God?

We’ve noted that all of Scripture points to Jesus, but what did Jesus say about Himself? Did He really claim to be God? Does Islam have any ground to stand …

May 16,

Fight The Common Fears That Halt Our Faithfulness To Love Muslims

We’ve been learning a lot about what Muslims believe, but mere knowledge doesn’t get us very far along toward sharing the message of Jesus with those lost in the lies …

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