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Aug 10,

Girls Session (SWO17)

Little Holloway & Brooke Davis | Girls Night | SWO17 Wednesday PM The pursuit of holiness is important in both marriage and singleness. Brooke Davis shares some of her testimony …

Aug 9,

Love Like Jesus (SWO17)

Brody Holloway | Ephesians 5 | SWO17 Wednesday AM Interpersonal relationships are broken when our relationship with God is broken, and the Ephesians were letting the world dictate their relationships. …

May 9,

Panel Discussion | Women’s Session

  Panel: Amy Davis, Sarah Conti, Jenn Forchetti, and Bethany Clark. Moderator: Spencer Davis Once you complete the social media detox, how do you decrease awkwardness of re-entering society? – …

Mar 2,

The Main Thing – James 2:1-7

“My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing …

Oct 6,

God Remains Faithful To His People | Biblical Manhood

  Brody Holloway : Be Strong : Saturday AM God will remain faithful because His faithfulness doesn’t depend on our faithfulness. God forgives, but sin still affects our lives while on …

Sep 23,

Panel Discussion On Youth Ministry, Iron on Iron

  Panel Discussion | Iron on Iron | 2016 Saturday Panel Questions:  “How do we effectively minister to students who are addicted to porn and struggling with bisexuality?” “What advice …

Sep 22,

Put on the New Self, Kill Sin

  The mortification of sin is crucial to our personal discipleship, our walk with the Lord, and those around us. Sin doesn’t just affect the sinner; it affects everything. If …

Sep 20,

SWO16 Breakout: I Have Jesus, Why Do I Need the Church?

Spencer Davis | SWO16 | Summer Camp The body of Christ is a gift from the Lord and is vital for our sanctification, growth and intentional ministry to nonbelievers. Some …

Sep 19,

The Redemptive Rescue of Rahab

Little Holloway | Girl’s Night | SWO16 Wednesday PM As the generation of women of the postmodern era, how do we fight temptation and societal pressures to conform, when the …

Sep 19,

How to Stay Christian in America

Zach Mabry | Breakout | SWO16 Thursday AM There is a current debate as to whether or not it is currently the most difficult time in American history to be …

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