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No Sanity Required podcast by Brody Holloway

No Sanity Required Podcast

No sanity required podcast graphics

No Sanity Required is a podcast hosted by Brody Holloway. Every Monday, we engage culture and personal stories with a Gospel-driven perspective—looking to the Bible as our source of Truth.

  • Personal stories from SWO
  • Q&A on the Bible
  • Missionary stories
  • Local church resources
  • Cultural engagement with a Gospel-driven lens

Why produce a podcast?

Since our beginning in 1997, our mission has always been to equip the local church. The Church is God’s chosen vehicle to proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, and carry the light of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. What greater mission is there?

The No Sanity Required podcast is simply a new way to teach Scripture in a relational way, with a strong focus on the faithful exposition of God’s Word—for the growth of his Church. We hope you enjoy the content.

Why call it No Sanity Required?

Listen to Episode 1 (Why “No Sanity Required”) to learn more about where our marching orders come from. Brody Holloway, lead teaching pastor at Snowbird, described Snowbird’s beloved tagline, why we love the vision it emits, and why every Christian should consider what it means for their lives.

*Hint – It originated from the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians (gotta give credit where credit is due).

Please send us a message at if you have any ideas for future topics, or simply want to say hello!

Want a Preview?

Listen to the recent episodes below.

Sep 23,

Jon Interviews Brody – Part 2

In this episode, Jon Rouleau wraps up his two-part interview with Brody. They dive into wild stories from the early days of Snowbird, as well as their experiences with marriage, …

Sep 16,

Jon Interviews Brody on The Story of Snowbird

In this special episode of NSR, the tables are turned and our favorite hype guy, Jon Rouleau, interviews Brody about the early days of Snowbird. Listen as they discuss the …

Sep 9,

Interview with 16 Year Old Ultra Cyclist, Myca Mustin | No Sanity Stories

In today’s episode, Brody sits down with 16-year-old Myca Mustin, who just completed his sixth ultra cycling race. Myca is a trailblazer for his generation, both physically and spiritually, because …

Sep 6,

Resisting and Redefining “Love is Love” According to Scripture

What does “Love is Love” mean? Where does love come from? How do we answer these questions?  In Part Two of their discussion, Brody and Jon dive deeper into what …

Sep 2,

Finding A Voice For This Generation

Who are you listening to? Why does finding a voice matter? Who are the voices of this generation of Christians? In this episode, Brody sits down with Jon Rouleau to …

Aug 28,

Is Denominational Division Worth It? | Tailgate Theology

How do we navigate the Bible’s teachings in today’s world? In this bonus episode, Brody explores the complexities of personal convictions and denominational differences by addressing things like dress code, …

Aug 26,

Facing Difficult Trials | Looking at Paul’s Example

Conflict, pain, brokenness, and loss are all around us. This world is fallen and trials are inevitable in this life.  This week, Brody looks at Paul’s life of trials and …

Aug 19,

Season 6 | Farewells, Trusting the Lord, & Catching up with Moses Holloway

Welcome to season 6 of NSR! We’re excited for this new season of the podcast and another season of ministry at camp. We’ll be welcoming a new editor to the …

Aug 5,

A Challenge to the SWO24 Summer Staff

We’ve officially completed the 10 weeks of SWO24 summer camp. This episode is a message Brody gave to the SWO24 Summer Staff. Brody challenges and encourages the staff by walking …

Jul 30,

Generate Joy | How to Be Content, With Amy Davis

How can we be truly content while expecting more from God? This episode is from Amy Davis’s podcast, Generate Joy. Brody and Amy sit down to talk about contentment and …

Jul 30,

SWO24 | Updates From Camp & Interviews with Students

In today’s episode, Brody walks around the Super Coop and interviews students about how their week at camp has been. Listen as students share funny stories from their week and …

Jul 17,

25 Years Protecting Presidents in the Secret Service (Part 2) | No Sanity Stories

In this episode, Brody continues his conversation with Scott Bryson, his first cousin who recently retired from the Secret Service. They discuss God’s sovereignty and some funny stories from his …

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