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Apr 16,

Panel Discussion On Godly Marriage

Panel: Gar Bozeman, Bethany Clark, Rob Conti, and Little Holloway. Moderator: Spencer Davis Questions: I want to start leading my wife and kids toward the Lord but I did not …

Mar 21,

Vic Carpenter, Boldness In Personal Evangelism | Men’s Session

Vic Carpenter : John 4 : Be Strong We must plan our day around interacting with people with the hope of sharing the Gospel. We will not be able to …

Mar 21,

Practical Steps for Leading a Workplace Bible Study | Men’s Session

Vic Carpenter : 2 Timothy 2 :Be Strong Vic Carpenter walks us through the process of establishing Bible studies within the places we work. These can have such a large …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: But As For You

Brody Holloway : 1 Timothy 6 : Be Strong To be a man of God-to be called that- is the greatest, yet simplest description we could ask for and work …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: In Battle

Brody Holloway : Ephesians 6 : Be Strong The first step in following Christ, and the first step in going to war, is letting go. We submit to Christ so …

Mar 21,

Spiritual Disciplines For Men | Be Strong

Rob Conti : 1 Timothy 4 : Be Strong Spiritual Disciplines are not the goal but rather the means of cultivating Christlikeness and godliness within us. They bring intimacy with …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: Kingdom and Country

Zach Mabry : 1 Peter 2 : Be Strong Where is our identity found? Are we primarily American or primarily Christian? Where are we putting our faith and hope? When …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: Importance of the Local Church

Spencer Davis | 1 Corinthians 12 | Be Strong God’s plan was always to make a people for himself. Not individuals, not programs, not a building. When you join Christ, …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: Physical Disciplines

Dallas Bozeman : Physical Disciplines: Be Strong If God created man from the dust and formed him into His image, then our bodies can’t be inconsequential. All things were created …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: Becoming a Dangerous and Daring Disciple

Phil Wade : 1 Peter 5 : Be Strong We have to practice surrender rather than commitment. Our surrender should be conceding control, yielding, or turning things in our lives …

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