No Sanity Required
NSR: Proofs of the Resurrection: Simple Apologetics and Personal Holiness
Everyone has an opinion on the supernatural. It’s curious why people push hard against the Resurrection. It’s important for us to be able to “give a defense” for the faith …
NSR: SWO Recap and Conversation With Mo
SWO20 Summer Camp is a wrap! Our pastors taught on the Drama of Doctrine and our staff faithfully invested in students day after day. We watched God move in incredible …
NSR: Our Brother in Africa: Update (Pt. 4)
Less than two years ago, there was no Gospel movement among this Muslim people group in Sub-Sahara Africa. Now, there are well over 100 Christians gathering in fellowship, teaching, discipleship, …
A Conversation on Pain, Suffering, and Trusting Jesus
What does hope look like in the middle of suffering? Suffering isn’t easy, but the Gospel gives us hope—and that’s sometimes unexplainable. Brody had this conversation with Brooke (Mitchell) Collins, …
Jacob: Comfort, Selfishness, and Failed Leadership
As crazy as your family reunions are, your family isn’t quite as crazy as Jacob and his kids. His selfish deceitfulness not only impacted his family right away but also …
SWO20 Update And Interview With Mo
This week, Brody gave an update on how SWO20 Summer Camp has been going and let us in on a quick interview with his youngest son, Moses. SWO20 UpdateWe’re 6 …
Ruth: Jesus and His Crazy Grandmas
We serve a God that is greater than the worse of human tragedies, and He has a purpose for our redemption. Throughout the time of the Judges, “Israel did …
Tamar: Jesus and His Crazy Grandmas
There is no family more interesting that Jesus’ family. Rahab, Tamar, Ruth, and everyone in-between exemplifies the craziness of sin that Jesus was born into. And yet, He came anyway. …
Our Brother in Africa: What’s Happening Now (pt. 3)
This is Part 3 of Amir’s story. Brody and Bobby cover his capture, physical persecution, rescue, and finish with a prayer request regarding his current situation. In the past twelve …
A Story of Faith and Persecution in Africa (pt. 2)
This is Part 2 of Amir’s story of salvation, discipleship, persecution, and God’s faithfulness in Africa. The Gospel spreads through the work of church planting. Amir simply responded to God’s …