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Zach Mabry

Aug 14,

SWO18 Breakout: Giving an Answer for Your Hope

 Summer 2018 Our culture is filled with excuses for why you shouldn’t believe in Christianity, and we are constantly getting bombarded with questions that can make us doubt our faith. …

Apr 18,

The Call of Discipleship

Zach Mabry: Matthew 28:18-20 : March 24, 2018 What makes the Great Commission so vital for the life of a Christian and the local church? Just before Jesus ascended into …

Mar 23,

Pure and Holy: For God’s Glory and Our Good

Zach Mabry : Pure and Holy : Genesis 2, Ephesians 5 : Feb. 10, 2018 God has elevated marriage in His Word and, if we are staying true to Scripture, we …

Mar 9,

The Road to Emmaus

Zach Mabry : Winter SWO : Luke 24:13-27, Genesis 3 : Jan. 13, 2018 Mankind has a sin problem that has been passed down from Adam to every person who has …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: History of the Protestant Reformation

Zach Mabry : 2 Timothy 3:7-17 : Fall Retreats : Nov. 4, 2017 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The history of the Protestant Reformation is helpful …

Aug 14,

How to Develop a Worldview for Your Students (For Youth Pastors)

Zach Mabry | Student Pastors | SWO17 Thursday AM Students are being raised in a culture that believes Christianity is a crutch for ignorant people. That couldn’t be farther from …

Aug 13,

SWO17 Breakout: Social Media

SWO17 Social media is here to stay. Sure, different platforms may come and go, but our culture has been profoundly influenced by the advent of social media. Unfortunately, most of …

Aug 13,

SWO17 Breakout: The Reformation

SWO17 In 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther began a movement that would affect the entire world. What was it all about? In light of the Protestant Reformation’s 500th …

Aug 11,

SWO17 Guys Breakout: Preparing to Be a Godly Man

SWO17  Christians have been called to honor God in every area of our lives, including dating and relationships. So what does it mean to pursue relationships in a distinctively Christian …

Apr 1,

The Main Thing – James 2:20-26

“Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac …

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