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No Sanity Required

Jun 15,

A Story of Faith and Persecution in Africa (pt. 1)

The Word of God is a lion that simply needs to be let out of the cage. Take the leash off and turn it loose. This is part 1 of …

Jun 1,

Rahab: Jesus and His Crazy Grandmas

The mission to send spies into Jericho was a rescue mission for Rahab. Yahweh didn’t need more information about the walls of Jericho to conquer the city. He wanted to …

May 21,

A Conversation on Parenting with Brody and Little Holloway

Brody Holloway and his wife, Little, share some deeply personal stories from their 20 years of parenting. They discuss what they’ve learned through biblical wisdom and life experiences to encourage …

May 18,

A Conversation on Marriage with Brody and Little Holloway

Coming up on 26 years of marriage, Brody and Little Holloway have started to figure out a rhythm that is worth learning from. Don’t listen to your heart! Think, process, …

May 14,

Round Table: Why the Local Church Matters

[buzzsprout episode=’3435931′ player=’true’] Why does the local church matter so much? What is the value of being grafted into the local church, even as a teenager? The Snowbird teachers discuss …

May 11,

Round Table: Why Do People Think Youth Ministry is a Joke?

What does it take for a church (and youth pastor) to do student ministry well? Why do people think youth ministry is a joke? It is vital that churches have …

May 7,

Round Table: Fighting Sin, The War is Already Won

[buzzsprout episode=’3400015′ player=’true’] We know we need to fight sin, but how? The Bible teaches us to fight from the position of our identity as forgiven children of God. When …

May 4,

No Sanity Stories: Crazy Phone Calls

Brody discusses two of the most memorable phone calls he’s ever received. One involves the Secret Service and the other was from Robert Lane in the jungles of Peru. Take …

Apr 30,

Every Man is a Theologian

Fathers, how can we prepare our children with solid answers for the questions they will face when they leave our homes? We need to disciple our children by training our …

Apr 27,

King of Kings

We were created for eternity. This is a boot camp to prepare us to reign with Christ for eternity. The only thing that matters on that day is: “What did …

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